Year in Review :2023


Happy New Year and as we enter 2024, we look back at 2023. It was a year of uncertainties, change, joy, and heartache. Our international worker, Janice Wong spent most of the year on maternity leave, in Calgary, Canada and gave birth to baby Lucy on June 25. We were also filled with joy that finally; Enoch obtained his visa and was able to come to Canada to be with Janice and Lucy. They traveled back to Ghana as a family on January 20. We welcomed Flora Loong back on staff on June 1 to be our Executive Administrator and Mission Mobilizer but unfortunately due to health reasons, she had to step down from her post in December. On July 22, our board member, Rich Ng, married Esther Lee and I was able to officiate. Events like this bring us happiness and joy, but our hearts continue to be filled with grief as the invasion in Ukraine is ongoing and many lives continued to be lost. Because of the war, we could not send any STM teams to the Roma settlements that we support due legal liabilities. We also did not send any STM teams to Ghana or Togo this year.

(Rich and Esther)

(Enoch, Janice, and Baby Lucy)

Though travel restrictions have been lifted around the world, I believe the Co-vid 19 pandemic continues to affect our ministries. People are traveling again but very few are going on missions trips. Originally, two churches had expressed interest in sending teams this summer but in the end, they were not able to. Our plan, if the Lord permits, is to start sending teams again in 2024. Currently, a team from Australia is planning to go in August. Financially it has been a tough year for CIM. Donations have been down but we trust that the Lord will provide. We know that we are not the only missions organization dealing with this problem, but nevertheless, it has hurt.

In June, I traveled to Hong Kong and Australia. I was supposed to go to Australia in 2020 but because of the pandemic, the trip was postponed until this year. It was good to reconnect with CIM Australia. They have been very supportive of our ministries. While in Australia I spoke at a number of churches and traveled from Sydney, to Melbourne, and Brisbane. I even had a few days off where I spent it on the Gold Coast. It was a very busy and fruitful time. Hong Kong has changed significantly since my last visit there in 2018. It was much harder promoting in churches and finding contacts. Because of the national security law, many of our donors and leaders in churches have moved. However, I was able to connect with a few international churches. A lot of the people who have left this city state have moved to England.

(With CIM Australia Board of Directors)

Our Togo director, Pastor Matthieu Ayena, traveled to Togo in September. He met with the EGCT leadership and did training with the pastors.

In Ukraine, Pastor Vlad, continues to oversee the Roma ministries through House of Mercy. It has been a very difficult year in Ukraine. The war continues and lives are still being lost. We do not know how long the invasion will continue for but we will not officially send STM teams there until the war is over. Unofficially, our former chairman of the board, Tomson Chan and his wife Lisa traveled to Ukraine in September. This was their second trip there after the Russian invasion. They visited Roma villages, shared the gospel, and helped with humanitarian aid. Also in September, CIM invited Pastor Vasya and Pastor Vlad to Canada for the “Mercy in the Midst of Turmoil” tour with stops in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. The purpose of the trip was to share with our donors and potential donors along with supporting churches how the Lord continues to be at work in Ukraine despite the invasion. It was a very busy but beneficial visit.

(Mercy in the Midst of Turmoil Tour at Lord’s Love Church in Vancouver)

Currently we are supporting 9 pastors and 3 missions schools in Ghana and a ministry worker and 5 Roma pastors in Ukraine. We pray for donors to help to adopt more of these ministries. With your donations in 2023, not only were we able to help pay the salaries of our supported pastors and teachers but we were able to donate motorcycles to pastors in Ghana where traveling from villages to villages is very difficult unless there is a mode of transportation. Also we were able to give Christmas gifts to children in Ukraine through a donation from a church in Montreal. This was the first Christmas in many years that Ukraine celebrated on December 25 as opposed to the orthodox Christmas on January 7.

(Pastor Mark receives his motorcycle)

(Ukrainian children receive their Christmas presents)

In this new year, we will continue our emphasis on cross-cultural missions. We have always placed an importance on the training and support of local pastors by sending pastors to teach in Bible school settings, supporting local pastors through scholarships and helping to finance Bible School training courses. We welcome Rev. Karen Wong back to our board of directors as chairperson. We also want to thank Tomson Chan, Frank Au Yeung, and Rev. Kenny Wong for their faithful contributions.

We look forward to 2024 to see how God will work through us. There are many uncertainties, but one thing never changes. God is in control and for that, we give praise.

Rev. Isaac Quan


Rev. Isaac Quan (Executive Director)

December Financials 2023


1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)

*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar

Pray With Us:

  • Please continue to pray for peace in Ukraine. The invasion rages on and innocent lives are lost each day. Pray for House of Mercy as they take care of refugees, physically and spiritually.  As we are in the middle of winter, many of the villages have been cut off from electricity and running water.

  • Pray for the pastors and teachers that we support in Ghana and Togo. Inflation is still greatly affecting their lives. Pray that there will be donors for our benevolent fund so we can help with some of their physical needs. Pray for the formation of STM teams in 2024. 

  • There have been tribal conflicts in the Nkwanta region in Ghana.  Security measures are now being enforced in the area including a curfew.  This has also affected the Evangelical Church of Ghana churches in the area where CIM’s supported Pastor Gideon is in charge.  Please pray for peace in the area and that the tribal conflicts may be resolved soon.

  • Pray for the finances of CIM Ministries. Pray for new donors and a healthy general fund to run our ministries. Please consider donating to our ministries as we start a new year.

  • Pray for guidance and direction for the 2024 Board of Directors under the leadership of Rev. Karen Wong.

  • Pray for CIM USA as they are still looking an Executive Director and Director of Ministry.

  • Pray for those in the CIM family who are dealing with health issues.  Pray for healing.


Meet Pastor Gideon Nignachi


Merry Christmas from CIM