Merry Christmas from CIM


It is hard to believe that it is already December and Christmas is just around the corner. It seems like yesterday that we were ushering in the new year of 2023. We were all hoping that this year would be a good year, praying that the Covid pandemic would be completely behind us, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine would end, and that our lives would go back to “normal”, whatever that means. But for all intents and purposes, the world today seems more “out of control” than it has been ever before. The Covid virus is still around and even though most restrictions have been lifted, it is still affecting people’s perceptions about travel and meeting together. The invasion in Ukraine continues with no end in sight and more recently the war between Israel and Hamas has taken centre stage. I have been told that most Christmas celebrations have even been canceled in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Add to it, personal struggles through financial problems, health issues, loss of loved ones, depression and loneliness, and one wonders where is the hope in this world. Though this should be a happy time of year, Christmas is often the loneliest time of year for many.

However, God remains in control and Christmas is all about hope because of the birth of Jesus Christ. He came into this world, as a human baby, to ultimately die for our sins, so we can have eternal life through a personal relationship with Jesus. This is true for all human beings all over the world regardless of nationality. We, at CIM Ministries, strongly believe this, and that is why we place such a strong emphasis on global cross-cultural missions.

Despite everything that is happening in the world, because of Christmas, there is hope. Christmas highlights the hopefulness we can have in Jesus, who came once and will come again. No matter, what is happening around the world and in our lives, there is always, always, hope.

There is hope because Jesus died for our sins, forgiving us for what we’ve done in the past, when we truly repent.

There is hope because Jesus rose from the grave and is alive. He is God, our Creator, and though we may suffer for a season, His purposes will prevail.

There is hope because the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, has come alongside us and will not leave us in our walk with God.

There is hope because Jesus is coming again and all our tears will be wiped away.

But it all starts with a personal relationship with Jesus and the ministry of CIM points people towards that.

We want to thank all those who have partnered with us over the last year. We can not do what we do without your prayers and giving. Through the “Mercy in the Midst of Turmoil” campaign, we have raised close to $50 000 Canadian for the Roma Ministry and the Ukraine relief efforts. So far in December alone, with donations from people and churches, we are able to send care packages to the children in Ukraine and provide materials for village schools in Ghana. This is what the giving of the Christmas season is all about. When we accepted the gift of Jesus Christ, the best gift anyone can receive, we also took on the mandate to share this gift with others. Inflation continues to be a very big factor in Ghana and Togo. As winter arrives in Ukraine, because of the invasion, many are without electricity and running water. It seems like a hopeless situation, but as stated above, there is always, always hope. At CIM, we continue to ask for your prayers and giving especially during this Christmas season.

Once again, God bless. Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.


Rev. Isaac Quan (Executive Director)

November Financials 2023


1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)

*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar

Pray With Us:

  • Please continue to pray for peace in Ukraine. The invasion rages on and innocent lives are lost each day. Pray for House of Mercy as they take care of refugees, physically and spiritually.  

  • Pray for the pastors and teachers that we support in Ghana and Togo. Inflation is still greatly affecting their lives. Pray that there will be donors for our benevolent fund so we can help with some of their physical needs. Pray for the formation of STM teams in 2024. 

  • There have been tribal conflicts in the Nkwanta region in Ghana.  Security measures are now being enforced in the area including a curfew.  This has also affected the Evangelical Church of Ghana churches in the area where CIM’s supported Pastor Gideon is in charge.  Please pray for peace in the area and that the tribal conflicts may be resolved soon.

  • Pray for the finances of CIM Ministries. Pray for new donors and a healthy general fund to run our ministries. You may also make a special donation for Christmas which would help our ministries overseas greatly. Click here to donate.

  • Pray for CIM USA as they are still looking an Executive Director and Director of Ministry.

  • Pray for those in the CIM family who are dealing with health issues.  Pray for healing.

  • Pray that we remember the real reason for this season.


Year in Review :2023


Through His Lens