In 2015, the Lord impressed on the hearts of CIM Canada’s leadership to expand our missions field and reach out to the Roma people group. After more prayer and preparations, an exploratory trip to Uzhhorod, Ukraine (Western Ukraine) was conducted in June 2017. Through connections from South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church, we were able to meet up with the House of Mercy, a local Ukrainian organization. After having the opportunity to meet the locals and learn more about the House of Mercy’s Roma ministry and associated ministries, it became clear that we needed to support our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
We officially partnered with the House of Mercy in October 2017. In June 2018, CIM sent our first short-term missions (STM) team to Ukraine to share the gospel with Roma villages and providing training to pastors.
2015年,神感動和帶領CIM機構來發展新的宣教工埸,我們擴大了事工領域,並與羅姆人群體接觸。 經過更多的祈禱和準備,在2017年6月進行了對烏克蘭的 Uzhhorod(烏克蘭西部)探索之旅。通過南卡城華人播道會的聯繫,我們得以與烏克蘭地方組織恩慈之家(House of Mercy)會面。 並有機會與了解更多有關於恩慈之家對羅姆人們的支持和關懷事工,我們體會到需要支持在烏克蘭的弟兄姐妹。
Who are the Romani (also known as Roma) people?
Linguistic and genetic studies have shown that the Roma people are likely to have originated from northern India, however, they have migrated all over the world, with an especially high concentration in Europe. The derogeratory term gypsy is often used to refer to the Romani people. Historically, the Roma people have been discriminated against and enslaved from the 15th century into the 19th century. In World War II, Nazis also targeted the Roma people and it is estimated that 2 million Romani people were executed.
The generations of persecution has had a tremendous effect on the Roma people and the difficult circumstances they find themselves in. Prejudice and the marginalization of the Roma people are still very widespread and prevalent today, with many of them exiled or evicted from their lifelong homes because of their identity.
As God is surely heartbroken to know his precious children are suffering, we feel that it is important to reach the Roma people and share the Good News. We want them to know that they have not been forgotten, there is hope and that they are deeply beloved by Jesus.
語言學和遺傳學研究表明,羅姆人(Roma people group) 是起源於印度北部,然後遷移到世界各地,尤其是在歐洲。貶義詞吉普賽人通常是指羅姆人。從歷史上看,羅姆人 從第二個世紀到19世紀一直受到歧視和奴役。在第二次世界大戰中,納粹黨還以羅姆人為目標,據估計有200萬羅姆人被處決和殺害。
但上帝知道他們遭受痛苦和傷心欲絕,所以我們認為,接觸羅姆人並分享天國的好消息是很重要。我們希望能讓他們知道,他們並沒有被遺忘,是有盼望的,並且被耶穌深深的愛護 。