The Seed Of Mission Blossomed And Growing


Seventeen years ago, God planted a seed in my heart. It was the seed of mission! Through Pastor Philip Leung, God invited me to join the family of CIM. Back then, I knew nothing about mission. However, in the past 10+ years, I have grown to know increasingly more about mission through serving at CIM, joining three short-term mission trips to Africa, interactions with local African churches and fellow brothers and sisters, as well as learning together with CIM coworkers and board members. This seed sprouted and grew slowly in my heart.

During the three STM trips to Africa, God opened my eyes every time, showing me His amazing work in Africa. I will never forget this awe-inspiring memory: one day when our car was driving through a rural village, an African child with no clothes on stared at our car passing by without any facial expression. When he was gazing at us, I felt like God was talking to me: “He could not choose where he was born, his parents, his family background, or his living conditions. He seems to be lacking, but I love him!”

God seemed to be telling me that He is a fair God and He loves everyone despite the huge differences between Africa and North America, our living environments, or the materials we possess. No matter where we are located, either in North America or in Africa, God loves each one of us! This is a shocking message to me. My heart was so touched and full of thanksgiving, not because I was materially more well off than this child, nor was I able to come help the Africans, but because God loves me. I had the chance to know God so that I can bring His love and His gospel to share with the local Africans. When I was riding in the car, God reminded me again with a hymn: “Not the things I am willing to do, not the places I am willing to go, pray for God’s mercy to determine every step of mine.” From that moment on, I am willing to respond to God’s calling to me. No matter what circumstances I am in, I will witness the love of Jesus faithfully. No matter how difficult the road is, or how unwilling I want to do something, I will do it for Jesus if that is clearly His will. From that time onwards, my heart grows bigger for mission, and I try to seize opportunities to equip myself to serve the Lord. This seed continues to grow healthily.

Five years ago, I left the CIM family temporarily. With my kids growing up, I was hoping to spend more time participating in different short-term mission trips. Regrettably because of the COVID-19 outbreak, everything came to a halt! But during this time of physical separation from my community, God led me to complete a few online courses on mission (Kairos) and mobilization in the past few years. These courses helped me understand more about God’s heart on saving people of all nations through worldwide mission and throughout history. I had a chance to gradually feel more and more passionate about mission mobilization and discovered my role appointed by God, who wanted me to participate in His worldwide mission plan.

Through the invitation of Pastor Isaac, God invited me back to the CIM family this year. This time I am not only helping with administrative work. I also had the opportunity to share with Pastor Isaac about my passion on mission and mobilization work. I am thankful that the CIM board is so supportive and affirmative on this vision in mobilization. I look forward to mobilizing every believer to participate in God’s worldwide mission plan, understanding that we are all part of it in this plan and willing to work with God together. Everyone of us has a different role and purpose. Some are missionaries, some get involved in short-term missions, some serve and promote in church mission boards, some care about the needs of missionaries and pray for them eagerly, some give generously financially to support mission ministries, and some serve in mission organizations behind the scenes and in different aspects supporting mission work. Although we all have different positions, one thing certain: our God calls us all to participate in missions, and especially worldwide missions!

With an excited heart, I look forward to serving God in the area of mobilization with all CIM coworkers and board directors to complete what God entrusts to us. In cross-cultural missions, we care for friends from all nations and ethnicities who have not yet come to know Jesus, and we share with them the testimony of Christ's love. In the multi-cultural society of Canada, these people are already around us. They may be our neighbors, friends, or coworkers. Whether they are far or near, let us be ready always to give answer to them the reason of the hope that is in us. I pray that you are willing to participate in God’s worldwide mission work as well.

Because of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, CIM was not able to send short-term mission teams to Ukraine to get involved in the Roma Ministry in the past few years. In September this year, CIM has invited two pastors from Ukraine to share in four cities in Canada, hoping to help brothers and sisters in Canada understand more about the needs of Ukraine and bring the latest news of CIM’s Roma Ministry in Ukraine. We are now in full swing preparing and promoting the September meetings and activities in the four cities of Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. Please pray for us for the Lord’s guidance in all planning, preparation, and arrangement. May the Lord grant us wisdom in coordination and communication with all churches and in serving together with different brothers and sisters. Please also pray for the two Ukrainian pastors. May the Lord grant them good health physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Pray for their preparation for the trip and for God’s protection throughout the whole trip across Canada. May these September sharing events be a channel to witness God’s great love and may all the glory be to our Heavenly Father.

Aside from your prayer support, we also ask for your support to these events financially. The expenses for the whole trip across Canada are huge. We trust the Lord will provide. Please donate financially to support these Ukraine sharing events and CIM’s Roma Ministry in Ukraine. Please also save the dates in September to join our sharing events in your city. May the Lord bless you!

Flora Loong
Executive Administrator
Mission Mobilizer

July Financials 2023


1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)

*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar

Pray With Us:

  • Please continue to pray for peace in Ukraine. The invasion rages on and innocent lives are lost each day. Pray for House of Mercy as they take care of refugees, physically and spiritually. Pray also for the planning of the “Mercy in the Midst of Turmoil” September trip to Canada for Pastor Vasya and Pastor Vlad. Pray that there will be donors for the Roma Ministry Fund to support these Ukraine Sharing Events and CIM's Roma Ministries in Ukraine. Click here to donate and for more details of the sharing events.

  • Pray for the pastors and teachers that we support in Ghana and Togo. Inflation is still greatly affecting their lives. Pray that there will be donors for our benevolent fund so we can help with some of their physical needs. Pray for the formation of STM teams in 2024.

  • Praise God for granting the visa of Enoch Jabab. Enoch is now in Calgary with Janice and baby Lucy.

  • Pray for CIM USA as they are still looking for an Executive Director as well as a Director of Ministry.


Through The Lens Of Ukraine


God At Work In Australia