Happy New Year!
Dear friends,
Enoch and I are currently in his hometown for Christmas and New Year’s. We are happy to be with his family over the holidays, especially after the difficult year we have faced as a family with his mother’s passing in July. Of course, we are disappointed about how long it has taken for Canadian Immigration to respond to our Visitor’s Visa application for Enoch. We had hoped to visit Calgary for a few weeks over the holidays but were informed that the processing timeline has increased to 251 days. We pray to receive an approval for his visa by January so that we can travel to Canada in April of next year.
Celebrating the meaning of Christmas with the children in Nyankpala.
As I reflect on another year in Ghana, I am grateful to God for His goodness and faithfulness. Despite the heartbreaking losses, setbacks and challenges our family and many we know and love in Ghana have faced in 2022, God’s faithfulness never ceases. I think it is through loss and suffering in which we have learned to count each day as a blessing, remembering that
”every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17).
This was also a great year of celebration for us, as Enoch and I were able to celebrate our wedding with all our family members in January. We have enjoyed navigating our newly-married life and are so thankful we can face life and trust God together.
God continues to show us that His heart is for relationship (between God and mankind, and between people in community). We thank God for the ongoing partnership between the Evangelical Church of Ghana and CIM Ministries and ask for God’s continued leadership in the coming year.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and New Year.
God bless you,
Janice & Enoch Jabab