Be Open to Listen
My name is Lisa Chan and I have been involved with the Roma ministry through short-term missions for over ten years. My first encounter with the Roma people was in 2008 during a short-term mission trip to Ukraine. At first, through House of Mercy, we delivered toys to the Roma children. As the years went by, we began to hold Bible day camps for Roma children and provided hot lunches afterwards. I also had the opportunity to work together with one of CIM’s former local missionaries, Lera Valko, in Bible camps for Roma youth.
Lisa sharing about Christ with Roma children at bible camp.
Currently, I am a member of the CIM Roma ministry committee. Earlier this month, we met with Pastor Vasya and Pastor Vlad via zoom and discussed the next four years plan for the Roma ministry. We plan to have two online seminars with the Roma leaders this year. The first seminar will focus on family and parenting and is tentatively scheduled for June pending on the situation with the pandemic in Ukraine. There will also be a Roma info session in November that will be open to churches that are interested in Roma ministry. Although we are uncertain about sending STM teams to Ukraine next year, we intend to send two teams to Ukraine, if the Lord wills, for a youth camp and family camp.
Roma Bible Youth Camp
Additionally, our committee attended the virtual Global Roma Symposium in March where we learned more about Roma missions and its culture. My main take away from this symposium, was that in order to understand Roma culture, we must look beyond a ‘single’ story. Each Roma settlement has its own uniqueness and each individual has his or her own underlying stories (ref. Dr. A Kool). There is still a lot that we do not know about the Roma people. We need to be open to listen and learn to ask, rather than to assume.
Roma Children’s Bible Camp
We look forward to developing deeper relationships with the Roma leaders through our partnership with House of Mercy. We are aware that we may face cultural hurdles ahead. However, with humility, we embrace the cross-cultural experience as an opportunity for personal and faith community growth as we learn from each other. I encourage us all, with openness and listening hearts, to look beyond a ‘single’ story. We are one in Christ even though we are diverse in cultures. Let us continue to strive towards our key mission, which is to reconcile everyone with God through Christ (Eph. 2:14-18).
If you would like more information about our organization or for one of our staff members to share in your Sunday service, small group, or prayer meeting, please email us at
April Financials
1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)
*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar
Pray with us:
Pray for the ministries of CIM, not only in Ghana, Togo, and to the Roma people group, but also for the ministries in South Africa, Brazil, and Cambodia through our CIM family in the USA and Australia.
Please continue to pray for donations to fund our work in Canada.
Pray for the upcoming Togo info session on May 29. Pray that the needs of the Togo ministry will be shared effectively.
Pray for the ministry workers who are currently working amongst the Romas in the settlements in the Uzhhorod area of western Ukraine. CIM is now supporting 6 Roma pastors in partnership with House of Mercy. Many of the Roma communities and workers have been hit hard with the COVID-19 pandemic. In some villages, close to 80% are ill. Many have not been tested or vaccinated.
Pray for the planning and preparation of a virtual meeting with the Roma pastors. Because of the ongoing pandemic, it has been hard to finalize a date.
Pray for healing for our board member, Siu Lui Ho, as he continues to recover from cancer treatments.
Pray for CIM USA and Christine Pi as she has announced her retirement as Executive Director. CIM USA is currently recruiting for an Executive Director successor, as well as a Director of Ministry.
As all our STM trips are still on hold, we would like to virtually introduce you to our mission fields. Our first info session will be held on
May 29
12 pm PST/1 pm MST/3 pm EST.
Save the date! We will be sharing about our ministries in Togo and it will be hosted by our Togo Ministry Director, Pastor Matthieu Ayena. It is a free event and if you are interested in attending please register here and we will send you a Zoom link. Stay tuned for dates for our Ghana and Roma ministries.