How Beautiful
Even though it appears that the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly being brought under control with vaccinations being distributed worldwide and restrictions being eased, close to 180 million people have contracted the disease and nearly 4 million people have died. These are only the reported cases and the actual numbers may even be much higher. These are staggering and mind-blowing statistics. The number of people who have perished is greater than the population of some countries. Some parts of the world still have high active cases especially with the rise of new variants and there is always the possibility of another wave in the fall.
Nothing is for certain, except the gospel of Jesus Christ and the need to continue to share the Good News. At CIM Canada, we are excited that hopefully, we will be able to send STM teams again soon. For we know the importance of bringing people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ cross-culturally. As we prepare for the new normal (life after COVID), we must get back to the basics, and focus once again on the Great Commission, which has been a cornerstone not only for our ministries at CIM but is also one of the bedrocks of our faith as Christ-followers.
Sharing the gospel in Ghana
“… All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20.
It is our mandate as Christians to make disciples for the Lord. It begins in our own home, with those that are closest to us; our kids; our siblings; our parents. It continues to our immediate communities, of school, of work, of church here, but it doesn’t stop there. We need to be motivated to make disciples of all nations. That means we need to send or go. As the body of Christ, we need to either go ourselves or develop and train people, so they can be sent to do the work of God.
Training the pastors in Togo
Last month, we had our first virtual training session with Roma pastors in the Ukraine. Because we could not travel due to COVID restrictions, we arranged to have all the Roma pastors that we have been supporting to meet at a local Ukrainian church in Uzhorrod for a day of workshops and encouragement via Zoom. Through this process, we were able to disciple these pastors and their families. Our international worker in Ghana, Janice Wong, has been visiting village schools encouraging teachers and also ministering and discipling the children there. She is now back in Canada for home assignment until the end of September, but she is already looking forward to going back to invest her time into the lives of the people there.
Training Roma pastors in Ukraine via Zoom
So how can you be a part of the Great Commission through CIM? As I stated earlier, we need to either send or go. As restrictions are being lifted, we can either go on a STM (or even longer) or we can support those who are doing ministries overseas through prayer and finances. Consider learning more about our ministries by emailing us at or support us financially through donations. Join our Ghana info session, led by Janice, on August 21. Or if any churches would like Janice to share in their services or prayer meetings during her stay in Canada, please also contact us at the email address above.
In Romans 10:15, Paul quotes from the Old Testament, from the book of Isaiah, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Feet bringing good news implies movement. We can be part of God’s plan in motion, and it can begin right now, right here as we seek direction on how we can be a part of His Great Commission.
Rev. Isaac Quan
Executive Director
CIM Canada
June Financials
1. General Fund - for general and administrative purposes, such as staff salaries
2. Designated Fund - for specific ministries in different field locations as designated (cannot be transferred between funds)
*All financial figures are in Canadian dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar
Pray With Us:
Please continue to pray for donations to fund our work in Canada.
Pray for the family of our board member, Siu Lui Ho, as he passed away from cancer on June 24.
Pray for the home assignment for our international worker, Janice Wong. She will be in Canada until September 27. Pray for a time of renewal, fellowship with supporters and opportunities to share about our ministries. Pray also for the upcoming Ghana Info Session on Aug. 21 which she will lead.
Pray for CIM USA and Christine Pi as she has announced her retirement as Executive Director. CIM USA is currently recruiting for an Executive Director successor, as well as a Director of Ministry.
As all our STM trips are still on hold, we would like to virtually introduce you to our mission fields. The next info session will be held on
August 21
12 pm PST/1 pm MST/3 pm EST.
Save the date! We will be sharing about our ministries in Ghana and it will be hosted by our International Worker, Janice Wong.
It is a free event and if you are interested in attending please register here and we will send you a Zoom link. Stay tuned for dates for our Roma ministries.