Janice’s Ministry Update
Many have been asking about the status of our international worker, Janice Wong, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Ghana. Overall, she is safe, staying at the Evangelical Church of Ghana Conference Compound in Nyankpala in northern Ghana. In this month's news update, Janice writes to tell us what she has been doing in Ghana.
Thank you for your support and prayers over me as I have been in Ghana since January as CIM’s International Worker. I’m so grateful for the support I’ve received from brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. It is so encouraging to be a part of a larger body of Christ, as we work together towards building lives that honour God.
At the start of the New Year, I reflected on a theme for 2020. Naturally, the transition of moving to a new continent with endless changes in my life prompted the theme of dependency on God. Needless to say, this new season of my life has been filled with several circumstances requiring my dependence on God’s providence, in the midst of the global pandemic and tragic events worldwide, all pointing to humanity’s need for God’s presence in our hurting world.
While God remains sovereign in all of humanity and is in complete control of my life, He often reveals one “next step” at a time. I am learning that it is in my times of uncertainty which draw me closer to God’s presence, making room to develop a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. For example, I am currently taking language classes each day, which has always been a part of my short-range plan. In preparation for my move to Ghana, another International Worker gave me great advice saying,
“Keep your eyes open to the Holy Spirit’s work around you. You’ll be surprised when He reveals something else that He may invite you to be a part of.”
A couple of weeks upon my arrival in Ghana, the loose plans I made already changed as God directed and presented the opportunity to be a part of the local church’s ministry reaching out to the local children in a predominantly Islamic community, while still being able to learn the language four hours a day. Though some of the details of life and ministry constantly change, God continues to show up in so many ways that are uniquely personal to me. He plants me in different circumstances that are rarely clearly laid out, but yet He is faithful to provide all that I need to do what He has set out for me. I consider it a blessing to be a part of His Kingdom work here in Ghana.
Thank you for all your prayers, support and encouragement you continually bless me with. Please pray for the people of Ghana, especially as relationships are continually built with the children, youth and families in my community. Please pray with me and ECG for my “next steps” as we seek God’s leadership over His ministry direction as I near the end of my formal language training at the end of July. God is on the move, working everything together for our good and for the glory of His son Jesus. Our dependency on God will always lead to His faithfulness revealed in immeasurably more ways than imagined.
Class in March, before the lockdown, singing My Lighthouse after studying John 8.
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
Above are just glimpses of how God is working through Janice, planting seeds into hearts and minds. The past months of ministry has been unpredictable to say the least, but it has been such an encouragement to journey alongside Janice and see God continually working in all things.
Please consider partnering with us to continue serving in Ghana. Click below to contribute immediately. To specifically support Janice, please write "International Worker" in the message for this charity box.
Financial Highlights
June 2020